Five main points to consider that will help you cope with all differences and challenges while living abroad.
Feeling lost and not very much in your skin while living and studying abroad can be really challenging, new people, new city, and new language, especially now in times of Corona. Here are 5 ways you can use to cope, be more comfortable and enjoy your new experience!

Living abroad can be challenging sometimes, it can be like riding a real-life roller coaster, for some people it can be a great adventure with lots of changes and new opportunities, and for others, it can be scary and frustrating, either way, someone must adapt to changes, as Darwin said: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, it is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” As humans, we face a lot of new things and now in times of online speed and corona limitations, the changes around us are more than ever.
Before Corona, students got the time of their lives while studying abroad, going to parties, staying up all night, studying, and meeting new people and new places to have fun, but what about students that are living in a new country while there are Corona restrictions? Well at some point you have to find a defence mechanism to adapt, stay busy and get the most out of your experience. Here are some ways to feel more at ease, stay busy, be productive, and immerse yourself in the new culture. You can enjoy it and get the best out of it.
So, there is certain point someone can follow to feel more comfortable and, in their skin, while living abroad.
1- Learn the Language.
If you are fortunate enough to be in a place where you know the language, you can consider 50% of your problems in adapting solved. A lot of the culture and how to understand people thinking and reactions is via their language, it plays a vital role in shaping someone character and way of thinking. Mastering the new language will also help you communicate with other people, understand their ideas, and how to explain your idea without sounding inappropriate, cheesy, or out of line.
2- Meet People.
Yes, I know in those times it is already hard, but meeting people and connecting with them can mean having a cup of coffee in the street, talking over the phone, checking on one another, the feeling of having new friends in the new country is priceless, it increases the positive feelings and make you feel more connected to the new country, the university, and people around you.
3- Immerse yourself in new activities/hobbies.
Every new place has its particular set of activities that are related to its geographical location, for instance, a city on the beach has a different set of activities than cities with lots of mountains, sunny cities differ from cities with cold weather, you have to see what activities locals immerse themselves in and give it a try, it will be a new adventure, new feelings and maybe you can find some new hobbies for a lifetime along the way!
4- Depend on yourself.
It is easier said than done and it is simpler to always ask for help in new environments, but the fact that you try to rely on yourself in a new city is a priceless experience for yourself, your personality, and your self-confidence, as it boosts your savoir-vivre, makes you feel proud of yourself and help you get over any situation that might occur in the future.
5- Go to local areas.
In a nutshell, go to where locals go not where tourists are directed to go, you might find small old streets with the smell of coffee from a local shop and some typical bread in the morning, you might find a bar to party all night where they drink the local beers, or maybe some affordable restaurants with lots of local foods, whereas we cannot deny that local food is directly related to having a “local” experience.
At the end, this experience differs from one person to another, things can get hard or easy, run smoothly or the other way around, in the end, it depends on how you want to live your experience, corona or not those are years you are going to remember forever, so might better get the best out of it! Go to new places, meet new friends, new culture and learn a new language while you are at it.